Team Results: 2024 Waterloo Classic 5 KM

Overall Open Corporate Parent Child Spouse

1 Kax&Jil Total: 0:49:20 Average: 0:24:40
1 Jil Mangel 0:22:55
2 Kaxton Mangel 0:26:25
2 Runlikethewinded Total: 0:50:10 Average: 0:25:05
1 Angela Cheyne 0:24:19
2 Logan Cheyne 0:25:51
3 Team Kingston Total: 0:53:53 Average: 0:26:56
1 Tom Kingston 0:25:23
2 Amelia Kingston 0:28:30
4 Winterbourne Warriors Mom & Son Total: 0:56:29 Average: 0:28:14
1 Erin Schmidt 0:25:19
2 Ian Schmidt 0:31:10
5 Lily+Sophie Total: 1:01:31 Average: 0:30:45
1 Lily Thistle 0:28:39
2 Sophie Reimer 0:32:52
6 Team Ogilvie Total: 1:02:33 Average: 0:31:16
1 Aaron Ogilvie 0:31:12
2 Michael Ogilvie 0:31:21
7 The Unstoppable Banksies Total: 1:13:12 Average: 0:36:36
1 Maggie Banks 0:36:36
2 Piper Banks 0:36:36

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