As of

# Total Athlete G GP Dem DP City
1 243 Ian McCurdy M 1 M40- 1 Waterloo, ON
2 240 Jennifer Bechard F 1 F40- 1 Waterloo, ON
3 238 Kacey Logel F 2 F40+ 1 Winterbourne, ON
4 224 Jil Mangel F 3 F40- 2 Kitchener, ON
5 222 Andrew Willcox M 2 M40- 2 Waterloo, ON
6 221 Hayley Schryver F 4 F40- 3 Embro, ON
7 217 Alex Domaratzki M 3 M40- 3 Waterloo, ON
8 215 Robert Brouillette M 4 M40- 4 Cambridge, ON
9 214 Jonathan Gascho M 5 M40- 5 Waterloo, ON
10 212 Lumi Duca F 5 F40+ 2 Waterloo, ON
11 212 Erin Schmidt F 6 F40+ 3 West Montrose, ON
12 211 Patrick Stieber M 6 M40- 6 Owen Sound, ON
13 210 Ian McCreery M 7 M40- 7 Cambridge, ON
14 210 Jenny Brown F 7 F40+ 4 Waterloo, ON
15 210 Vicki Zandbergen F 8 F40+ 5 Kitchener, ON
16 208 Ian Grzegorczyk M 8 M40- 8 Waterloo, ON
17 207 Taylor Virgin F 9 F40- 4 Kitchener, ON
18 204 Ivy Friedman F 10 F40+ 6 Waterloo, ON
19 204 Nikolas Knowles M 9 M40+ 1 Waterloo, ON
20 203 Jordan Van Dyk M 10 M40- 9 Kitchener, ON
21 203 Colleen Caplin F 11 F40+ 7 Kitchener, ON
22 203 Amy Bloemberg F 12 F40- 5 Drayton, ON
23 203 Leonardo Mendonca M 11 M40- 10 Waterloo, ON
24 202 Destiny Rhame F 13 F40+ 8 Drayton, ON
25 202 Justin Brouillette M 12 M40- 11 Woodstock, ON
26 201 Jeff Rudow M 13 M40+ 2 Waterloo, ON
27 198 Dave Harmsworth M 14 M40+ 3 Waterloo, ON
28 197 Kevin Johnston M 15 M40+ 4 Waterloo, ON
29 195 Anne Fuller F 14 F40+ 9 Waterloo, ON
30 193 Claire Phelps F 15 F40- 6 Waterloo, ON
31 193 Ian Schmidt M 16 M40- 12 West Montrose, ON
32 192 Peter van Driel M 17 M40+ 5 Waterloo, ON
33 192 Jack Kilislian M 18 M40+ 6 East York, ON
34 191 Amanda Topp F 16 F40- 7 Wellesley, ON
35 190 Jeremy Ferguson M 19 M40+ 7 Milverton, ON
36 189 Steven Lamothe M 20 M40+ 8 Waterloo, ON
37 188 Jennifer Graham F 17 F40+ 10 Milverton, ON
38 188 Angela Cheyne F 18 F40+ 11 Cambridge, ON
39 187 Jasmine Zhang F 19 F40- 8 Kitchener, ON
40 186 Janice Collins F 20 F40+ 12 Waterloo, ON
41 185 Richard Moran M 21 M40- 13 Kitchener, ON
42 184 Wendy Zufelt-Baxter F 21 F40+ 13 Waterloo, ON
43 180 Meagan Nieuwpoort F 22 F40- 9 Drayton, ON
44 178 John Palmer M 22 M40+ 9 Ayr, ON
45 177 Sarah Coons F 23 F40- 10 Waterloo, ON
46 176 Debbie Iwanyzki F 24 F40+ 14 Wilsonville, ON
47 176 Tara Archibald F 25 F40+ 15 Waterloo, ON
48 174 Merzi Dastoor M 23 M40+ 10 Waterloo, ON
49 173 Roman Baiboussinov M 24 M40+ 11 Kitchener, ON
50 168 Robert Garbary M 25 M40+ 12 Waterloo, ON
51 168 Corin Gaiotto M 26 M40- 14 Waterloo, ON
52 168 Jennifer Abbinett F 26 F40+ 16 Kitchener, ON
53 167 Tavie Gaiotto F 27 F40- 11 Waterloo, ON
54 167 Michael Stork M 27 M40+ 13 Waterloo, ON
55 166 Alita Gaiotto F 28 F40- 12 Waterloo, ON
56 166 Rohan Ali Khan R M 28 M40- 15 Kitchener, ON
57 165 Damian Fozard M 29 M40+ 14 Waterloo, ON
58 163 Samantha St. Amand F 29 F40- 13 Waterloo, ON
59 162 Jenni Lowry F 30 F40+ 17 Waterloo, ON
60 161 Ori Friedman M 30 M40+ 15 Waterloo, ON
61 160 Jenny Graham F 31 F40+ 18 Kitchener, ON
62 159 Andrea Alarie F 32 F40+ 19 Kitchener, ON
63 157 Tim Coleman M 31 M40+ 16 Waterloo, ON
64 157 Cole Boland M 32 M40- 16 Cambridge, ON
65 157 Heidi Engelhardt F 33 F40+ 20 Waterloo, ON
66 156 Tawnya Convoy F 34 F40+ 21 Kitchener, ON
67 156 Laura Paling F 35 F40+ 22 Kitchener, ON
68 155 Jaellayna Palmer F 36 F40+ 23 Ayr, ON
69 154 Brittany MacKinnon F 37 F40+ 24 Kitchener, ON
70 153 Kara Freeman F 38 F40- 14 Kitchener, ON
71 153 Chris Hutchinson M 33 M40+ 17 Conestogo, ON
72 151 Genevieve Daigle F 39 F40+ 25 Kitchener, ON
73 150 Shara Spencer F 40 F40+ 26 Waterloo, ON
74 150 Justin Lopez M 34 M40- 17 Waterloo, ON
75 150 John Schmidt M 35 M40+ 18 West Montrose, ON
76 149 Meredith Hunter F 41 F40+ 27 Kitchener, ON
77 148 Holly Byrne F 42 F40+ 28 Waterloo, ON
78 146 Mokhash Parmar M 36 M40- 18 Kitchener, ON
79 145 Heather Heij F 43 F40+ 29 Waterloo, ON
80 145 Amy Robinson F 44 F40+ 30 Waterloo, ON
81 144 Jennifer Hill F 45 F40+ 31 Waterloo, ON
82 142 Rob Miller M 37 M40+ 19 Kitchener, ON
83 141 Erin Bracken F 46 F40+ 32 Cambridge, ON
84 141 William Gray M 38 M40+ 20 Kitchener, ON
85 140 Josephine McMurray F 47 F40+ 33 Waterloo, ON
86 140 Louise Boulay F 48 F40+ 34 Cambridge, ON
87 138 Cari Van Niekerk F 49 F40+ 35 Waterloo, ON
88 138 Shane Wilmot M 39 M40+ 21 Cambridge, ON
89 138 Eugene Ho M 40 M40+ 22 Cambridge, ON
90 137 Philip Nguyen M 41 M40- 19 Windsor, ON
91 137 Peter Thornback M 42 M40+ 23 Waterloo, ON
92 137 Maureen Cleary F 50 F40+ 36 Orangeville, ON
93 132 Natasha Dickison F 51 F40+ 37 Stratford, ON
94 132 Kristin Donnelly F 52 F40+ 38 Breslau, ON
95 131 Carol Stewart F 53 F40+ 39 Waterloo, ON
96 128 Gabriela Mendonca F 54 F40- 15 Waterloo, ON
97 128 Williams Lopez M 43 M40+ 24 Waterloo, ON
98 128 Elske Schonlau F 55 F40- 16 Waterloo, ON
99 126 Chris Tillery M 44 M40+ 25 Wellesley, ON
100 124 Jodi McMahon F 56 F40+ 40 Belwood, ON
101 121 Andre Peres M 45 M40+ 26 Kitchener, ON
102 120 Wendy Czyz F 57 F40+ 41 Cambridge, ON
103 117 Marjolein Wijbenga-Groot F 58 F40+ 42 Cambridge, ON
104 112 Andrew Heij M 46 M40+ 27 Waterloo, ON
105 108 Mike Lahn M 47 M40+ 28 Waterloo, ON
106 100 Ken B Anderson M 48 M40+ 29 Kitchener, ON

Results © 1978-2025 Run Waterloo. Owned and maintained by Run Waterloo. For more information, contact